Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Christmas Spirit

The Christmas Spirit

I would be lying if I did not confess that I am struggling this Christmas Season. This is a growing and learning process for me. Even though I do not fully understand the all of this. I know that one day I will. If I keep my broken heart on what really matters. I have to keep telling myself "The Lord knew best and took him home". I feel that in your darkest hours of your life, you need to praise Heavenly Father. Sometimes I question "Does Heavenly Father really love me"? I mean, if he really loves me he would not let me hurt this bad. You would think he would come and take all of this pain away right? That is what any good, kind and loving Father would do right? Well he did send someone to come and take all of this suffering away. He sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ to this world to take away my suffering and pain. I pray that I can remember the gift that my Heavenly Father has given to me and all of you.

My wise Mother shared her thoughts and wisdom with me today. She keeps me literally out of the looney bin. My Momma keeps answering her phone and for that I am grateful!! My Momma also knows that I am not handling this so well. That I am not as strong as I appear to be. My Momma needs to know I love her and I am blessed to have her as my Mother!


Johanna S said...

You are a strong woman, stronger than you think, I am sure. It is beautiful that you and your mother get along so well. That is priceless.

Liz said...

Thanks for the post...I needed it more than you know. I wonder some times if I'm helping at all. Always here for you, always proud of you, will love you always.

Jessica Caldwell said...

I'm glad you found this video sometime (a lot of the time) it is so easy to get wrapped up in worldly things like having a HUGE Christmas. I tend to forget that it is about the birth of our Savior and not the nintendo DS I think the girls HAVE to have. Thank Heavens for John he reminds me it is about Jesus and not all about whats under the tree.

I'm so thankful you have Mom and she is so full of wisdom and understanding. We all love you, your family is in out prayers this Christmas Season.